Family Violence Law Center’s policy team uses an intersectional gender and race equity approach to advocate for survivors and their families in areas like housing and criminal justice reform. We work collaboratively with other organizations and welcome requests for partnership.
Read “When Will Our Lives Be Worth the Investment?“ a powerful new article from FVLC’s Policy Team.
Read “Hidden Costs of Forced Marriage: And Its Impact on Women and Girls Globally“ a report from FVLC’s Policy Team.
As part of FVLC’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month campaign, FVLC presented a virtual Brown Bag series, “Inform Your Vote.” We demystified voter registration, state and local ballot measures, and candidate races, focusing on what California and Alameda County residents could expect to see on their ballots. Watch the recordings here:
Webinar #1 – Inform Your Vote! Voting: Where to Start?
Webinar #2 – Inform Your Vote! Who’s Who? State and Local Elections
Webinar #3 – Inform Your Vote! What to Expect: Ballot Measures
FVLC also participated in an Oakland Mayoral Candidate Forum on Gender-Based Violence
As part of FVLC’s 2021 Domestic Violence Awareness Month campaign, FVLC hosted a panel discussion with Dr. Sarai Crain-Pope (then Deputy Chief of Violence Prevention at City of Oakland), Courtney Ruby (Auditor for the City of Oakland), Kerry Abbott (Director for the Office of Homeless Care and Coordination in Alameda County), and Tunisia Owens (Policy and Advocacy Manager at Family Violence Law Center) to discuss the intersection of domestic violence and homelessness in Alameda County.
To learn more about our work, please check out our quarterly newsletters and our series on economic abuse: